ION update

Aug 06, 2014 16:25

I'm watching the repeats of season one on ION, and I previously posted about Dr. Ray Mercer's appearances being cut out. I was curious how this was going to be handled, since he's got some pivotal scenes, especially in the latter part of the season.

Dr. Mercer finally appeared in episode 9, Inside Man, in which a couple is murdered and their son, Andy, is found injured and bleeding in a hiding place. He was traumatized by what he witnessed, but Toby suspects there's more to it. At one point, he's outside Andy's hospital room and calls Ray on the phone asking for his help. Then it cuts to a scene where Ray's interviewing Andy about what he saw, followed by another scene with Toby, Ray, and Charlie in a hallway talking about Ray's professional opinion combined what Toby read in Andy's mind.

They cut the scene just prior to the interview where Ray shows up and he and Toby discuss other suspects having been let off lightly due to high priced lawyers and what might have happened to Andy to cause him to possibly kill his parents. There's another snip near the end when Toby leaves the hospital room, and tells Ray he doesn't know how much longer he can do this, with Ray commenting he doesn't know how he's done it this long. In the last scene with Liv, she's talking about family and being complicated, and Toby says he wouldn't know, but when Liv says he remembers some things, there's a flashback sequence that's been removed.

So on the one hand, we're shown that Ray's in the know, but as far as the ION run is concerned, there's no mention of his history with Toby or explanation of how he knows. I guess viewers who've only seen it on ION are supposed to assume he's an old friend, which is true to a point.

I find it interesting they're cutting out some of this stuff relating to the more mysterious part of Toby's storyline, because we know it's all but forgotten by season two, but from what I understand, season five (which hasn't aired in the US at all) is finally starting to touch on Toby's past.

I did finally get to see the webisodes, even though they were very low quality on YouTube. I think ION could cobble those together along with some behind-the-scenes bits for filler, and create a special episode to bridge from season four to five. They're doing some of the financing for season five, but I don't know if that includes content produced for online viewers.

series: discussion

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