Aug 03, 2004 08:59
...haha yeah i got a nextel number so add me ...204 6425 and my walkie is 173*154953* yeah hit me up...haha and yes i do feel cool for having one...rick and mark like hate me bc now all i do it bleep them last night was alot of fun i have to say...since gettin grounded i havent been allowed to do alot...since i havent seen morgan in a while bc shes been away my parents agreed to let me out to see a "movie" with her...haha yeah well wat they didnt know was i bought a ticket but didnt actually go to the movie morg was on her way home from the city so to pass the time i went to merrick and hung out with rick russ mark and will...we did the usual and not before long morg called and i went and meet up with her at the train station..we then dropped my car off and met up with amack and carrie...haha thats when the night got intersting...we decided to have an adventure and drive around and see if we could get lost haha...sounds pathetic right?...well thats what we did...haha..i dont even know where we ended up but all i know is that is took us 10 min to get there and like forever to get home...haha i bonded with carrie and i caught up with morgan....i missed u man !!....all and all last night was a lot of fun luv u guys