Please repost this to anyone in the riverside, springfield, or avondale areas. Reward for information that leads to recovery or arrest.
Hello All.
This morning I woke up to find that I had been robbed. My car, my scooter, and my girlfriends scooter were all stolen some time late last night. I have filed the neccessary police reports.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone in the riverside area could keep their eyes open for the vehicles , and please let me know via myspace or my phone (955-4700), or call JSO at 630-0500(tell them to look under "Glenn Ikemoto" or "Jim Ikemoto"), if you see anything. Pictures are below. The vehicles were all stolen from infront of
My house last night. Again, please repost this to anyone you think can help.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
Jim Ikemoto
Descriptions of the vehicles
My car: 1986 Pontiac Pariesienne, Gold, Like New condition, licence Number: f18-WXY
My Scooter: 2005 CPI GTR50, Red, Brand New, No tag, White CPI logo
on lower panel.
Heather's Scooter: Unknown model, Red and silver, HITONG brand