New Player Character: Chloe Sullivan

Feb 25, 2009 13:50

Chloe Sullivan, Smallville by way of Crossing_Lost
Full Name: Chloe Sullivan
Age: Early 20s (apparently; in truth, mid-forties)
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Glittering, almost luminous green (like a cat)
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 120
Occupation: Writer of fiction & non-fiction; currently wandering time and space.

Race/Special Abilities: She's immortal. And not that piddling Highlander-type stuff. Ever read Ramses the Damned by Anne Rice? Like that.

Not-So-Brief Biography: Chloe Sullivan was raised by her father since she was small child, after her mother was sent to an asylum. He moved them to Smallville, Kansas when Chloe was young and that's where she went to high school. She was always interested in reporting, and obsessive about digging up the truth no matter where it led her, or the dangers she encountered as a result. Her life was as chronicled on Smallville up to about her second year of college.

That's when she took a trip to Australia. Her return flight from Sydney to Los Angeles, Oceanic Flight 815, never arrived. It crashed on a very, very strange island. Chloe spent several months there along with a great many other people having very, very strange adventures (as chronicled in the late, lamented Crossing_Lost game, which some of you may remember and may even have participated in).

While on the island, Chloe was attacked and nearly killed by a Wraith. With nothing left to lose and no other hope of recovery, she exposed herself to a chunk of kryptonite she had (ordinarily kept in a lead-lined box) and prayed for a miracle. And she got it. She recovered completely, regaining her youth and health--and then some. She was transformed into the Platonic ideal of a blonde, suntanned Chloe Sullivan. She has a physical presence (and sex appeal) she never had before, and it hasn't faded in the years since.

She heals very quickly and very completely from any injury--as long as she gets enough sunlight. She doesn't even need to eat or drink, though she can and enjoys it. The only visible evidence of the change in her (aside from looking like an airbrushed version of herself) is that her eyes are a bright, glittering (kryptonite) green.

The castaways eventually escaped the island. Chloe soon discovered that her mere presence make Clark sick, which crushed any dreams she still harbored of a relationship with him. Chloe left Smallville and spent the next twenty years wandering the world, writing fiction and non-fiction. Clark married her cousin Lois and had three kids with her, all of whom shared his kryptonian heritage--and none of whom can endure more than half an hour with their aunt before sickening as well.

Chloe was in her forties (in the 2020s in her timeline) when she ran into Cassandra Sugarbaker and her traveling companions at the time (The Doctor, Rose, Jack Harkness, Daniel Jackson, Ami Jackson and Jon Murphy.) She was thrilled to see them again--until she discovered they weren't her old friends but alternates from another dimension who were traveling via TARDIS and trying to get home again.

Chloe eventually chose to join them on their travels, leaving her home and friends behind. Now, some indeterminate time later, she's arrived on Gamma World with Cassandra...and maybe a couple of other faces you might recognize.

Chloe's meeting with Cassandra and the others, and her description of her time on the island (and how they ex-scaped) can be found in this comment thread.

chloe sullivan, biography

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