Morning, all :)
Character Info
Character Name: Donna Noble
Character Medium (television, book, movie): TV
Character Fandom: Doctor Who
Brief Biography:
Donna is a loud-mouthed secretary from west London, red-haired and unafraid to stand up for herself or others if maligned. She was one of the Doctor's Companions, often serving as his moral compass, however all memory of this was wiped from her memory following a
biological metacrisis involving excess Time Lord regeneration energy*. If she ever remembers her time with him the block will fail and she will "burn up", as her human body cannot handle being occupied by a Time Lord mind. Donna's time at the Gamma site has led her personality to return to more or less the same person who parted ways with the Doctor though, as while she is still occupied with celebrity trivia (read: Gamma site gossip) she also sees the bigger picture.
Professionally speaking she's a skilled administrator,adaptable and uses her initiative, having temped for the better part of her life; being thrown in the deep end is what keeps her swimming.
When she met the Doctor, Donna was employed by one of Torchwood's commercial fronts (a security firm named HC Clements); after her memory was wiped she started to work for UNIT's UK recruitment office - and believes that she did so since HC Clements "declared bankruptcy". This enabled both Torchwood and UNIT to keep an eye on her mental state, while she thinks she processed applications for counter-terrorism, technical and reconstruction specialists for an international aid organisation.
Despite attempts to keep the evacuation off-world under wraps, Donna noted the changed tone of personnel requests and skills needed, as well as the sheer number of staff being posted to classified locations. She deduced that Something Big was happening, opened her big mouth, and very nearly lost her position… but the powers that be already had both she and her family on their lists anyway, thanks to her unusual history.
Gamma Site Biography:
Donna is an efficient secretary, meticulous administrator and inveterate gossip, capable of audio typing technical reports while simultaneously dissecting the day-to-day life of Gamma site residents for whoever cares to listen. She knows everyone, everyone knows her (whether or not they want to), and just occasionally her blunt manner cuts through the nonsense when people need a wake-up call.
Donna also works her turn in the fields and stargazes now and then, both in honour of her Gramps' favourite hobbies (Mum was a florist: not her cup of tea!). She, her Mum and Gramps had all been sent to the British colony, one of those that Gamma had been in contact with shortly before the meteor storm that knocked out the Stargate database. Her brief secondment turned into a second exile that day, and of course now she has no idea how her
family are doing.
Writing Sample:
"Come on you little b-"
"Uh…What do you think you're doing?"
A black keyboard key flew upwards from the opposite desk, shortly followed by a headful of red hair.
Balls? What have -
"Where did it go?" the strident voice continued, as its owner dipped back out of view behind the monitor. "GOT to be round here someplace. Rrrright.. hah!"
Another key darted upwards, this time with enough force to hit the ceiling.
"TA-DAAAAAAA!" the Brit cheered, snatching plastic from the air. "Time to fix this contraptio-"
"Hey!" the newcomer shouted. Anything to stop that... that... irritating VOICE. But answers. Everyone and everything was here for a reason, so there must be a reason for why she was… dismantling a keyboard? "Ok." The man crossed his arms and tried to look authoritative. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Y'keyboards don't fit me fingers, mate," the redhead explained, waggling said digits about her ears in the international language for 'cuckoo'. "100 words a minute, best temp in Chiswick, but those keys are driving me rooooound the bend! How can I type, like this, eh? You tell me!"
"This -" she came round the desk, waved a key in his face then, "OOH!" - swooped down to retrieve the other from the floor. "And this, are the wrong way round, my friend. So I'm fixing it. Done the software, now the hardware, comprendy?"
He stared, gobsmacked. "Symbol keys. Two symbol keys. What are you, crazy?"
Donna's lips formed a perfect O. "OOOOOOWH! How DARE you?" Then blinked. "Wait, I already said I was going round the bend, didn't I - so that makes me crazy and you hard of hearing, right?"
"Bovvered? Does this face look bothered, to you?" she shook her head smugly. "And all because you lot don't know your backside from a proper keyboard."
That made him bristle. "I think you'll find that -"
Donna wedged the keys back in what she considered the right order, shrugging. "Yeah, whatever. See? All fixed. Run along. Ta-ta."
The poor bloke was glad to escape, even if he did have to type his own notes up that day...