AFK Through the Weekend

Aug 12, 2008 14:55

On Thursday, August 14, 2008 we will officially be moving (ie, the movers are coming to move our furniture). Our television, DVD player, computers, etc will all be unplugged and moved on Wednesday night. On Thursday, our cable modem and router will be moved. Our cable/internet is not being hooked up at our new home until Friday, August 15. Above and beyond that, we still have a lot of packing to do.

All that being said, I don't expect that I shall time to do more than a quick email/comm check at work for the next few days. Please don't wait for me (Daniel, Ami and Teyla), and please move on as needed/inspired. (Although I ask that my PCs not be NPCed unless you are very familiar with the characters and my methodologies)

Thanks and hopefully I'll be back online this weekend in between breaks from unpacking.


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