Biography: Marcus Cole (Babylon 5)

Aug 01, 2008 20:27

Character Name: Marcus Cole
Character Medium (television, book, movie): TV
Character Fandom: Babylon 5
Brief Biography: Marcus Cole was born on Arisa colony in 2226. His family owned and operated Cole Mining. This company mined Quantium 40, a material vital to jump gate construction.

Marcus was too young to face combat in the Earth-Minbar War, but he was drafted into EarthForce and worked as an intelligence gatherer.

His younger brother, William, had no interest in the family business. He traveled for fun, and eventually ended up on Minbar where he became a Ranger.

With William off gallivanting around, the management of the family business fell to Marcus alone when his parents died. Marcus was running the Arisa Mining Colony when William visited him in July 2259 and tried to convince him to join the Rangers. Marcus was not interested until the Shadows attacked and killed all the colonists except for Marcus. He promised his dying brother that he would continue his work in the Rangers.

Marcus arrived on Minbar in August 2259 and studied under Jeffrey Sinclair, becoming an accomplished Ranger.

Shortly after his graduation from Ranger training in November 2259, Marcus accompanied Sinclair and Catherine Sakai on a mission to prevent the Shadows from accessing the time rift in Sector 14.

Marcus Cole was assigned to the Drazi world of Zagros VII, where he set up one of the largest Ranger training camps off Minbar. At the request of Morden and the Shadows, the Centauri blockaded the planet with a minefield. Marcus escaped the blockade and tried to flee. As he tried to flee into the other dimension that is hyperspace, an energy wave struck his ship and sent him wildly off course, to who knows where... or when.

Gamma Site Biography: His ship crashed on a remote peak, away from any habitation, but Marcus survived. His injuries were quite severe, a massive head wound that had robbed him of memory. Thus when, days before the attack that destroyed Tau, a stranger staggered into their midst and collapsed unconscious in the town square, he was taken to the infirmary.

While he has not truly recovered yet, and his memory is still elusive, Marcus was at least able to help evacuate Tau. He currently resides in the medical tent, set up in the off-shoot area of Gamma, tended to for his head wound.

He has chosen to go by the name of "Mark", as it FEELS almost right.

babylon 5, marcus cole, biography

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