The Brookfield Farm

Mar 25, 2008 12:28

When: Day after the Ship
Where: The Brookfield Farm
Invited: Everyone
Status: Incomplete ( Read more... )

npc, ami jackson, sam carter, daniel jackson, molly green, darien fawkes, jack o'neill

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[Ami] fikgirl March 26 2008, 01:12:11 UTC
This was what survival was all about, Ami decided as she wandered among her fellow colonists, greeting those that she knew; surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, children she knew outnumbered adults. While she could be a surprisingly good cook with a functional kitchen and a recipe book, improvisation wasn't her finest skill. However, she had the pleasure of working, however briefly, with Molly Green and discovering native plants that could stretch out her tea supply.

A little bit of flirting and a barter of some of Darla's* coffee - with Darla's permission - and a promise of a pitcher of their own - and some of the boys in the "Geek Lab," as Maureen* called it, managed to help out the cause. Ami came today, she and Maureen dragging a homemade wagon with plastic tubs of good old fashioned sweetened iced tea. Ami didn't care overly much for it, but the Americans did.

"Even more so if they're southern," Maureen pointed out.

More than once their progress was impeded by children, balls, dogs and a few grown men and women among the children. It was spring, and it well could have been spring back on earth.

With a laugh, Ami gave a wayward soccer ball a light kick, sending it back toward the group of teens who lost control of it. She gave them a thumbs up as they waved their thanks.

They looked around for some place to deposit the beverages, and finally settled on the long food tables near the grill. Chances were whomever was on grill duty would get a bit thirsty.

"And you can't beat a hot sweaty man slaving over a hot grill," Maureen winked, doing nothing to keep her voice low. "And tall, dark and handsome and General O'Neill are complimenting that grill today."

Maureen had a boyfriend, but that didn't stop her from being a shameless flirt. Ami looked away, shaking her head in embarrassment for both of them.

OOC: *Two of Ami's "flat mates;" or the women who share her habitat.


[Darien] starborn_scribe March 27 2008, 00:53:47 UTC
"Oh, hey.. Darien," General O'Neill said. "Put on on the grill for me."

Darien smiled, pleasantly surprised that O'Neill remembered his name. After all, the man more or less ran the colony. "You got it, Chief."

Carter, whom Darien had met during the Close Encounter of the Enormous Kind yesterday, had drifted over as well. "Hi. Meat's ready?"

"You bet," Darien replied. "Chicken or meat on a stick?"

"Chicken," Carter grinned back. Darien deposited a chicken breast and leg on her plate. The pieces were significantly smaller than those you'd buy from a supermarket, but considering there were no more supermarkets Darien wasn't complaining.

"Hey Chief!" Darien called. "Yours is ready."

Before O'Neill had a chance to reply a female voice spoke up. "And you can't beat a hot sweaty man slaving over a hot grill. And tall, dark and handsome and General O'Neill are complimenting that grill today." The speaker was the well-endowed brunette helping Ami tow a wagon bearing tubs of a dark liquid. Judging from the moisture condensing on the containers, the fluid was cold.

Darien grinned, making a show of wiping sweat from his brow. "I sure am thirsty after standing here cooking for hours. What I'd give for a nice, cold beer." Then he winked at Ami and her friend. "Just get here, ladies?"


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