Who: Ami Jackson
Where: The home of Jack Harkness
When: Early afternoon, 19 of May II*
*See the updated
background that lists the months of the Gamma calendar
Invited: All members of GT-1 and GT-2, SG-1 optional (drop-ins also welcome)
Status: Incomplete
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Fortunately, a lifetime of living with the computer implant taught you to be mindful of such things. The link it provided with James was a high tech substitute for telepathy and extremely valuable. But everyone who acquired one had to learn to regulate what thoughts--and feelings--they broadcast. Everyone back home had a few stories of embarrassing slips experienced before they'd completely mastered it, unintentionally communicating fear or arousal or some other strong emotion to those nearby.
Vivian glanced at James. He was busy comparing martial arts techniques with Teyla Emmagen, a frequent topic of discussion between them. They'd spent enough time together that Vivian occasionally wondered if there were more going on between them. James said no, and there was no reason for him to lie about it. Vivian dismissed the subject.
"I'm not entirely convinced that it's a great bonding technique," Vivian said to Captain Harkness, "but beer, food and poker are fun. So why not?"
Jack grinned at her, "And you don't ever cheat?"
Ami gasped, knowing his teasing, but still managing to react with suitable affront. "I don't cheat. The radio is off when it comes to that." Which was partly the truth. Ami didn't use her telepathic or empathic abilities intentionally when playing gambling or card games. She could count cards reasonably well, however; but she wasn't about to admit to that. Everyone needed to keep their own advantages. "Are we going to wait for Bobby and Darien or get started without them?"
"There are six of us present," James said. His glance took in Teyla, Jack, Ron, Ami, Vivian--and himself. "More than enough to start playing. Bobby and Darien can join in later, after I've cleaned you lot out."
Even now, he had an outstanding invitation to his team, well... not 'his' team, but 'his team' to come spend the weekend at the cabin. Daniel usually took him up on the offer, unless something that required his attention kept him away. In that case, a little browbeating usually did the trick. Colonel Carter, too, usually showed up as well; if she had something to do in the labs, Jack let it slide though not without comment at a later date.
Taking on the role of General Hammond now, Jack had pizza in hand, two boxes (enough for the gathering), and first knocked on Harkness' door before pushing it open. "Hello..." was called out as greeting and identification, and not finding anyone immediately, took the first steps into the house. "Pizza's here.
"Ah-- Captains.. doctors... Miss Emmagen," He paused a moment, "Wus.." Here, the general looked around and put his burden down on an available flat surface. Books, table.. didn't matter as long as it didn't fall when he took his hands away. "Am I late?"
That had been her experience, truly. Arriving late, as John so often pointed out, gave you more time to poke fun at the inebrieated. Though Teyla never really made a mockery of her drunk friends, she did enjoy watching their antics, particularly Rodney's.
"Speaking of," Captain Harkness waved to a large tub in the corner, "The beer is there. The pizza smells great. We were just about to start a game of poker. Should we deal you in?"
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