Heard It Through the Grapevine

May 10, 2008 12:28

Who: Dr. Callie Torres, Dr. Miranda Bailey
When: Sunday, May 6, mid-morning
Where: Base Hub/Admin initially
Invited: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill eventually
Status: Complete ( Read more... )

cassandra fraiser, miranda bailey, callie torres, may 6, daniel jackson, calvin thomas

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[Callie] fikgirl May 10 2008, 17:42:54 UTC
Callie was still pondering as she turned her attention back to the computer and unlocked the screen screen saver. Doctor Jackson's file and a very military, government official picture of the archaeologist stared back at her ( ... )


[Daniel] fikgirl May 11 2008, 17:38:10 UTC
Daniel was torn between continuing his work or going to find Jack. It wasn't a short walk to the cabin, and after hiking back this morning, he wasn't quite up to making another round trip. Of course there was no guarantee that Jack would show up at Gatetown Central before dinner, either ( ... )


[Cassandra (NPC)] lost_mckay May 12 2008, 18:27:26 UTC
Cassandra Fraiser had beaten Uncle Daniel to Jon's room. She was ensconced there, playing the waiting game until he woke up from the anesthesia given. She was perched on the opposite, empty bed, her expression one of concern, with a touch of relief tossed in.

She'd heard some of the story from Calvin in hurried fashion, and that was all it took for her to head to the hospital, but not before giving Jon's best friend some quick advice, "Talk to Uncle Daniel or Aunt Sam. They'll pass the message on. Uncle Jack doesn't kill the messenger, but he'll take the news better." Still, even with that, she viewed the general (and Daniel) with the eyes of a little girl. They could do no wrong; not in her book.

Once there, there were small 'checkpoints' to enter the designated 'SGC' section. After all, the weirdness didn't seem to end with Earth. "Okay... bad way to think about it," Cassie'd considered as she ventured down the final corridor, "but it works."In hand, but turned off, a small white game machine with a crossword puzzle game loaded. ( ... )


[Daniel] fikgirl May 13 2008, 01:15:19 UTC
"Dr. Jackson, Dr. Jackson!" Daniel almost kept walking as he heard the sound of his name called out from somewhere over his shoulder. Once upon a time, he could have pretended to not hear, and people usually bought it. These days, he could pretend that he thought someone was calling for the other Dr. Jackson, but that probably wouldn't fly at this of the morning when he knew good and damn well that Ami was nowhere around ( ... )


[Daniel] fikgirl May 13 2008, 01:15:42 UTC
It was another five minutes before he actually convinced Calvin to do as he said and then he was back en route to the hospital. Arriving there, it wasn't hard to find Jon's room; he didn't even have to look. The moment he approached the nurses's station, the two nurses there stopped talking. The man and woman scrambled to their feet, but it was the woman who spoke first.

"Dr. Jackson, I can show you to Mr. O'Neill's room."

(Mr. O'Neill), Daniel repeated inwardly. (Now that just sounds strange ( ... )


[Cassandra (NPC)] lost_mckay May 13 2008, 02:13:01 UTC
Cassie's gaze shifted from the still anesthetized figure towards the door as she heard voices outside. The ongoing monologue was more than she'd gotten, and her eyes grew wider as she caught the snippets of information, her eyes flickering back to the form, and back to the door. She straightened, her head cocking. It wasn't Aunt Sam. She'd have responded, but there was little in response ( ... )


[Daniel] fikgirl May 13 2008, 11:50:31 UTC
Daniel wrapped Cassie in a warm, affectionate, paternal hug. Of everyone from earth and the SGC, at least of those who knew about Jon's true origins, Cassie had always had the most 'normal' and 'natural' relationship with him. For some reason the closeness in age, Cassie technically had two years on Jon according to both of their USAF provided birth certificates, rather than adding a variety of discomfort seemed to aid them both in making a transition. Then again, Cassie didn't carry all the baggage; her memories of and interaction with Jack had never had quite the sort of intensity that adult interaction did, that having someone save your ass time and again, and vice-versa did as well ( ... )


[Cassandra (NPC)] lost_mckay May 13 2008, 13:00:56 UTC
Cassie nodded, tucking a collection of hair behind her ear to get it out of her face. She stood straight, collecting herself, steeling herself for the conversations to come. It was easy, sitting in silence, never having to put words out in the ether for others to hear.

But now?

She'd worked so hard to be alone, to be self-sufficient; to not need anyone, or rather, in some cases, felt that she was a burden. So, when she'd gone off to school in Nevada, it was her 'maiden flight'. Of course, it didn't go that smoothly, but once the dust blew over, she knew she could do it alone-- no... she could support herself... if she had to.

Since coming here, though, she came back into full contact with her family (not that any of them had 'lost' contact). It was easy to fall back into that feeling that Uncle Daniel would help, or that Uncle Jack would take care of whatever problem there was for her... or that Aunt Sam would always drop almost anything if she truly needed her (not always literally, of course ( ... )


[Jon] fikgirl May 13 2008, 22:24:54 UTC
Jon floated slowly to consciousness, grabbing and grasping, pulling himself up from the foggy cloudiness in his head bit by tiny bit. Figurative hand over foot, sometimes losing his grip or his footing and sliding back down beneath the thickness of drugs and medication. Pinpricks of brightness pierced the darkness, first painful and then more easily acceptable as his heavy eyelids remembered how to open and close, open and close. Pupils took a bit more time to come online, muffled sound reaching his ears like through several thick walls and down a tunnel ( ... )


[Cassandra (NPC)] lost_mckay May 13 2008, 23:13:46 UTC
"Jon, you awake?"

Cassie stood beside the bed as Daniel checked on Jon. She had no idea as to why Daniel would try to rouse the man; security clearances, cover stories... her own was now as natural as breathing. Jon's, well... she just watched her words. Beyond that? It never occurred to her that Jon, in his state, might say more than he should... and that it was much better that Calvin wasn't here.

"Hey," Cassie responded, her tones soft. "You're awake." How's that for obvious? She sighed, the sound quietly exasperated. "That was dumb. How're you fee--" She exhaled again, audible. "Don't do this again." She just wasn't used to it. Daniel might, but her?

"You were in surgery. Calvin said you were knifed in a fight." Cassie paused, her eyes narrowing, her tones slightly reproachful. "The nurse said you did more damage by actually walking to the hospital." Funny how blood pumps faster when the heart rate is up?


[Bailey] fikgirl May 14 2008, 00:00:18 UTC
No, they did not try and keep her from seeing her patient. All that talk about secured sections and the SGC and transferring her case to Doctor Renner. Maybe, just maybe if they said Torres, Miranda might have backed down, but not to shutting her out and putting that fat, rutting full of himself prick in charge of her patient. Not on her watch.

The nurses and residents scurried, they sent errand boys and gophers. They threw names around like confetti at parties. All about calling Dr. Weir and finding General O'Neill. Miranda merely looked at them, gathered up Mr. O'Neill's chart, located his room and started down the hall.

"When I hear Dr. Weir or General O'Neill stop me from doing my job, that'll be fine. Until then, I have a patient to check on. Or do you want to explain to the General as to why his nephew did not have his chart updated by the operating surgeon ( ... )


[Cassie] lost_mckay May 14 2008, 01:07:08 UTC
Cassie slid off to the side and took a step back as the doctor approached. She glanced at the woman, then to the prone form on the bed, shifting her weight on her feet, and resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Jon's responses to the questions. What did she know? She'd never been in the same room with a wounded Uncle Jack... and had no idea that this, essentially, was the way it'd played out many, many... many times in the past. Only then, it'd been her mother who was on the receiving end ( ... )


[Daniel] fikgirl May 14 2008, 02:07:10 UTC
Daniel tried, and failed to suppress a mild grin at Cassie's mutterings. Yes, there was no way in hell that Cassie would ever be Jon's girlfriend - it was a disturbing thought on more levels than Daniel could contemplate. It was really best not to think about it.

However, the smile came easily, now that he knew with certainty that Jon was out of danger. Dr. Bailey, and she really had the bearing and no-nonsense attitude that Daniel heard all the rumors about, hadn't been concerned. When doctors were concerned, it was hushed voices and private conferences in the hall. A quick check up and rapid departure were good signs. Despite the whole awkward factor of the relationship, Daniel really didn't want anything bad to happen to the young man.

"You still with us, Jon?" Daniel asked.

Jon nodded, eyes closed. "Just enjoying the sight of the inside of my eyelids."

Daniel shook his head, "You know that I'm going to have to find Jack and tell him, right?"

"Where's Calvin?" Jon's eyes opened, and the look was so Jack that it took Daniel by ( ... )


[Cassie] lost_mckay May 14 2008, 02:36:52 UTC
Cassie had, at least, a little bit of a clue that something was going on in front of her. That somehow, the chances were good that there were multiple layers of conversation happening and that she was suddenly on the outside ( ... )


[Daniel] fikgirl May 14 2008, 11:49:26 UTC
"Wha . . . oh yeah, thanks, Cassie." Jon's words were not nearly clearly enunciated, more rather they were slurred and running together. It was only from context that Daniel was able to piece them together and understand them ( ... )


[Cassie] lost_mckay May 14 2008, 12:52:53 UTC
Cassie couldn't help but agree with Daniel. She nodded and straightened, looking at the drony form on the bed. Leaning over, she placed a kiss on his cheek, as a child might give one to a treasured adult... dutiful, and affectionate. "Going now. Have a good rest, Jon," was whispered. There were times when those weird lines were drawn, whether knowingly or un-. She'd have to ask later if Jon wanted her visits when he was 'down', or if he'd rather Uncle Daniel and Aunt Sam... and Calvin, when he was more aware.

She straightened quickly and reached out to touch Daniel's arm. "I'm leaving too. I promised a friend that I'd be by later, and it's my turn to do the shopping for the week at the market." She had a roommate too, though it was one that had been assigned at the onset once reaching the Gamma Site. Over the year or so, while they weren't best friends, they had an equilibrium, and neither were particularly motivated to break in a new roomie. "Need anything?"



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