[Summer] It's my party...

Apr 26, 2008 20:48

Who: Dr. Summer Klein
When: Tuesday, May 2, around 6pm
Where: The 'backyard' of Summer and Pip's 'house'
Invited: Any and all
Status: Incomplete

Summer left the General at the mess tent and contemplated the numerous ways she could find to try and get out of everything, but in the end she could only come up with one... death. Since she wasn't likely to die before the evening she had to go and talk to Pip.

After Pip had agreed to help and was done laughing at her, Summer sent out a call to all botanists and anyone she came across that there was a party at her place. She then went and holed herself up before the blessed event.

At about 5:30 Summer got dressed up in a sun dress and sandals, stuck her hair in a ponytail and went outside, steeling herself for the event. She began setting up the tables with chips, potato salad Pip had made earlier, drinks (including beer), and cupcakes and cake.

At about 6, the burgers and hot dogs started hitting the grill, filling the air around Summer's home with the aroma of cooking meat. Pip manned the grill, flipping burgers with the expert ease of someone who has spent at least one summer in a fast food resturant.

There was one concession to the fact that Summer was vegetarian and the party was being held by a botanist. There was a very large salad sitting at the center of the table.

The call of free food had several of the science geeks showing up right on the dot, if not a few minutes before. For scientists the party was in full swing, with each going on about their respective projects.

Strangely enough the birthday girl herself was set off by her lonesome, merely watching the shindig. She had taken up a place near the corner of the house, upwind from the grill. Here she could pick at her salad in peace and not get nauseous from the smell of the cooking meat.

npc, summer klein, sam carter, daniel jackson, molly green, may 2, jack o'neill

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