Sep 15, 2005 22:03
Owwy. My finger's bleeding. How in the world did that even happen anyways?
But yeah so, it's about an hour and 40 minutes away from being friday and that makes me happy like you wouldn't believe. This week has been so long and depressing and I've just generally been stuck in a rut. But I won't go into detail because the week is almost over and there's no point in dragging up bad things when good things are on their way! Like our first football game of the season tomorrow under the lights for the very first time. I just hope it doesn't rain on our parade. LITERALLY.
On a somewhat angry sidenote: I WISH MY SISTER HADN'T DROPPED OUT OF COLLEGE. I'm so sick of her being here. Ugh. Seriously. She is one of the most obnoxious people I know. I was so enjoying being an only child. SO MUCH. I can't wait until she's off at either UMBC or Towson next semester because at least then she won't be home all the time.
On a completely unrealted topic, inquiring minds need to know: Where in the world did Nata and Kath go? (WOAH RHYME) I haven't talked to them in foevs and a day. I hope they, you know, didn't die. 'Cause that wouldn't be cool.
Quote of the day: "Most people are like tea bags; their true flavor comes out when they're in hot water." Oh, agenda book. You are so wise in the ways of the world.