Title: school is a battlefield for your heart
magneticwave Character or Pairing: Gert/Chase
Rating: PG-13 for Chase's language
Summary: (Pre-Grand Reveal of Nefarious Parental Activities) Chase’s best friend has a crush on Gert, despite the whole two-years-younger-than-them, reads-Virginia-Woolf, hates-the-male-species thing she’s got going on (and Chase is definitely, totally, absolutely not panicking. At all).
(“He’s my best friend,” points out Chase, and god, it’s like middle school all over again, except when he went to middle school, Gert was still safely ensconced with Nico at that fabulously expensive and ridiculously competitive all-girls school across town-or, in other words, That Time When Chase Stein’s Life Was A Lot Less Complicated.)