Title:Quentin Quire drawn in Runaways style
Author:Azaki / Azaki.deviantart.com
Character or Pairing: Kid Omega a.k.a. Quentin Quire
Rating: G
Not too much to say on this, just that Quen is one of my fav X-Men chars
so when I started reading Runaways about 2 months ago (now own all 5 vols in 1st half and some odd recent comics) I thought "hey, this is in the x-men universe so why dont I draw and write about one of my fav chars meeting the Runaways?"
Okay maybe I didn't think of it quite like that but you get the idea. This took a while and I really did JUST start drawing things in Runaways style so be kind.^^;
Really just starting how to handel Photoshop 7.0 also. So much fun! X3
Really wanted his cloths to be reminicent of his cloths in New X-Men
but still have a Runaways feel.
He still has his whip and same color palet but I rather like his punked-up
Runaways thing I did w/ him.
Even though he was sort of punk before it always felt more like "Punk-Lite" to me, lol.
Also got the "X" belt buckel to sort of make a nod to his past w/ the X-Men.
Was he not so emo kid? Think that's why I liked him so much in New X-Men