Adventures in babysitting (a writer's procrastination habit)

Jan 08, 2004 11:30

I cannot discount the value of procrastinating, because I'm positive it will help pump my most creative juices ever. Presently, I sit here waiting for my Realtor source to call me back (so we can talk about the 1990 "tenant from hell" film Pacific Heights). But soon, the time will be too precious to squander; my editor assigned the deadline for this story today.

By pounding the keys furiously and hurriedly while my editor all but has a gun to my head, I know I'll generate my best word magic yet.

Anyhoo, it's been an interesting week -- the aformentioned blottos, the posting of my Star Trek story on the Trek BBS, and the planning for my upcoming travel. Oops! I never did mention my future sojourns, did I?

I talked with Kristine on the phone Monday night about the Trek convention in Chicago, coming up in April. She said she can let me crash at her place in Evanston, should I decide to come to Chicago to visit. Well, it was my first DECISION 2004: not only am I going, but Brandon has agreed to come with me! So, he and I will be reunited with Kristine, which is always a classic experience, but we'll also get to see Jim again, and Brandon will get to meet all the affably fun Trek BBS people in the area that I met in November, like Kobe, Brian (and his wife -- I forget her name), Raoul (didn't meet him yet), and of course, gimpytimby. Chicago is a town I've barely seen, so I ...can't...wait...for...THIS!!!!

Then, there's the Democratic National Convention in late July. I actually talked to my Boston friend Mike on-line yesterday, and he said I could crash at his place if I wanted to attend the convention! I've got to find out more details about the DNC, though. If I'm just a dumb-schmuck member of the public, can I get in? If this will be a rah-rah rally for Howard Dean, is this even worth it for a "Thumbs Down on Dean" guy like me? I think I'll talk to my Political Science professor I had this past semester (my FAVORITE teacher of all time, almost) and ask him. Mr. Strickland (Back to the Future nickname) should know these ins and outs, up and down.

In the meantime, my Dennis Kucinich meetup is tonight, but I must confess that my heart is no longer in this, as far as his campaign is concerned. Why? Pick one word to describe his chances to win the Democratic nomination:

a) hopeless
b) futile
c) impossible

*sigh* I'll show up tonight, but I hope my fellow volunteers can say something to convince me that this Kucinich gig is more than just a waste of time disguised as a fool's errand.

Only 75 days until robinsonsorange arrives in Vegas from across the pond!

Only 18 days until the Spring semester starts, and I begin two bonehead classes to enlighten my limited horizons!

Only 1 day until I go postal sitting in this oxygen tent of an office, pretending to work, and enduring the tortures necessary to earn my next paycheck.

So my next entry in this journal will be filed from the inside of a rubber room. I sure hope they have a computer in there, and they let me use my nose to type with since I'll be entombed in a straight jacket.
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