Making Peace

May 08, 2006 01:41

At first, I dreaded the idea. My best friend's youngest brother (Rob) needs a place to stay, and since I have all but officially adopted him as my brother, I am practically obligated to let him stay with me. It's been done for me, so how big of a deal could it be, right? A huge one, since you asked.

As time has passed, it has become less of a burden and more of a blessing. I have a friend around me often, and although I ultimately desire my own living space... my own apartment... the chain of love, if you will, demands that I allow him to stay with me. Ryan, Paul, Matt and Mike all did it for me, and now it is my turn to come through for the next generation. He's my boy, and as time has passed, I have begun to adapt to the lifestyle of having him as a roomy. It may not be perfect, but it's completely okay. He's a great kid with drive and ambition, and that is more than I had at his age. He'll be fine, and I will be fine letting him stay here for a while.

On a different note... and this one is for the ladies out there... why do women give out there phone number when they do not plan on answering or returning the call? Oh well.. life goes on, and I'm not worried. Pissed off Yes. Worried? NO...

Back to the whole issue with having a roomy when I thought I would be living alone... it is an interesting scenario. At first, it annoyed me, but as time has gone forward, I have learned to appreciate a lot of little things I missed living on my own. It is a case of not knowing what you have until you lose it, and to a certain extent, that is exactly what has happened. Of course, in an ideal world, he would be able to make a shit-ton of money and get his own place soon, but when is life ideal? So long as I honestly believe he is trying to better his life and move forward, I will be okay with him living here. The best part is that I do not see him halting such behaviors any time soon. Of course, I am no soothsayer, and the future remains as much a mystery to me as any other, but it should all work out. It gives me company when I am lonely, a minuscule level of financial support (which will be increasing as time goes by), and someone to go shoot pool with. In the end, I realize that my frustrations were without merit... for now. Only time will tell whether or not what has transpired is for the best, but as for the present, to quote John Cena... "Everything looks pretty good right now"...
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