I haz been Tagg-ed

Feb 17, 2010 18:23

A - List 7 habits/quirks/facts
B - Tag 7 people to do the same
C - Don't tag the person who tagged you, or tag "Whoever wants to do it"

1)I was born with a caul, my heart on the wrong side of my body and with no heartbeat. Apparently I freaked the doctor out.
2)Even though I now identify as Domme, I came into the scene as a Submissive.
3)I have rampant boob envy. After losing half my body weight my bewbies ran away from home.
4)Everyone thinks Im all confident and shit. Im really not.
5)I have a "thing" for gloves.
6)I adore feathers, sequins, velvet, tassels, fringe, crystals, beading, ect. I was either a magpie or a gypsy in a former life.
7)I have more finger armor than I have fingers.

I tag Lady Reddy, Miashell, Lil Laurel, Fishie, Kaige, Dan annnnnd Rantarn.
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