So I can't really see what I'm typing right now because Piper is sitting on my chest and licking my face, and he doesn't seem to want to move. Not that I really want him to move, because cute kitties are good. Besides, he already got mad enough at me when I had to move his ass of the keyboard
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And yeah, it was a very gender binary-enforcing class. It was really strange to be in that class and at the same time have queer politics, where whole point is to think outside the gender binary. So that made the gender binary-enforcing really apparent :( We read a couple of readings on trans issues, and from what I've heard they are different than the ones Sherryl teaches, so maybe they're better, we'll have to compare notes sometime, lol. I don't know. I thought our trans day was really basic (which it needed to be, because half the people in the room didn't know what half the letters in LGBTIQ stood for), but overall pretty good, because we just had a really big class discussion that went pretty well. I think it would have been helpful, though, if we had had a reading on a culture with a different gender system or something. I think that's what it takes to really drill home the point of the "social construction" thing.
Anyway, I enjoyed the class nonetheless, and I am going to miss it :( Nd queer politics was hard and the teacher was kinda mean and scary, but other than that, the class was great, lol.
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