Apr 22, 2003 14:23
hehe i must say even though i have a brused hip, elbow ( which is also swolen) and possible a fractured colour bone lol sunday nights party was a hoot although it did cost me a bomb i couldnt have stuy buying his own drinks at his 18th now ( i just wish i wasnt the only one with this philosophy lol ) yhe but what turned a good party into a great one was i met someone :) wooo go me hehe her names abby she was working being the bar doing the kareoky? (sp?) yhe and i was quite drunk so more confident than normal so i was basicaly talking to her 1/2 the night then at the end i wrote on one of the song request slips i cant remeber exactly :-s lol but something like "tears from heaven - by eric clapton just for u :) because tommorow ill be sober but u will still be sexy text me (and put my number).
meh blow me i dont care it worked ^_^ i havnt seen her again yet but we been texting each other constantly for like 2 days hehe and she has invited me to go see her djing on saturday and said i have to come back sunday to sing her the song ( because it was just at closeing when i wrote her that note so i didnt sing it) hehe
also now im about to go give blood so ta ta ( probably not a good idea since i have to work later and im tierd enough ill only feal weak after but meh who cares )
bye bye xxxx