It has been ages since I posted here, but I've been thinking about KR quite a bit lately, and just realised that it is now ten years since this community was created. While it has been quiet of late, in its hey days this community drew fans from all corners of this tiny fan fiction community and we had some fantastic fun
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Comments 87
I loooooooove the fanfiction....:-)
Thankyou so much for your comments on my LJ despite my trail of neglectful Twitter posts. You are wonderful.
Yes, KR will always have a special place. Moreso for the people I've met through it.
I've had a KR fic bunny gnawing on my head for a couple of years now, but I'm hesitant to pick up my pen as it has been 5 years since I've written anything.....ohmigod, five years! The rust on my neurons must be feet thick by now. But I guess it will get me moving sooner or later.
I feel some CMAU coming on...:D
(5 years!)
(Wow, that's a bit of a mouthful, innit? Nice to meet you, vjezkova!)
Is it time for a challenge maybe? We used to have many of those floating around.
Me too. Nowadays I'm more likely to pick up a brush than a pen.
Hmmm, a challenge? I think I need to do some reading to get myself back into the groove first. Just ordered the KR2008 DVDs from the UK so I can refresh my memory in that department. Might get KR:TOS out and induct the kids.
(With sticky fingers over breakfast)
I can't say that I actively participate in any fandom at the moment, but still a fan of quite a few things.
Now if only Knightshade, elfin, and Pheral trickle in... Poke, poke guys!
Hey Nutty, this was a great idea. I'm glad you did this. It's nice to return to these old stomping grounds. I've missed everyone! ::hugs::
No new fic, alas. According to my Pinboard bookmarks, the last KR fic I read was in 2009 with PaBurke's Mended, an angsty but oddly adorable little KR/Supernatural crossover ficlet. I, too, moved on to new fandoms. A bunch of 'em, as it turns out, since it's been at least five years and I am helplessly attracted to the shiny. I never give up though, so one day will cycle my way back to the little 80s show of my heart. Probably by rereading Gryph/Macx's Fire & Ice series, because who wouldn't wanna reread that? It's awesome!
Oh hey, did you guys see the little article BBC News did in honour of KR's creator, Glen A. Larson? Six Ways Knight Rider Predicted The Future. Lookit KITT, he's a trendsetter!
P.S. Hi Nutty! :D
Many a great memory here had Moonbeam at the centre of it.
It appears we all need some motivation to write. Is it that we've written all the KR stories to be written? Or is there more out there to explore?
Thanks so much for dropping in.
(About to eat cake)
I know F&I and CMAU :D
Thank you so much for finding me over on AO3 and letting me know this was going on. I have thought of my trip to Oz so many times recently. I hope all is well with you.
So I just recently started reading and posting on again after many years of being totally drowned. Someone on the radio this morning said that having kids was like having your life riped apart limb by limb. A little negative for my tastes but not all that far from accurate. With my youngest 2 and a half I feel like I'm finally emerging as a real person besides being 'mom' again. I've actually posted a couple of things on recently. SadArticle is still posting there and has some recent stories which are very good.
And Hooray for Vespurrs.
I'm not sure I'll be able to post much but it's so good to see you all. Anyone know the whereabouts of Pheral and Almightyhat?
Also you all need to save me from my muse. It has been living in some very strange places lately.
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