Writing and other things

Aug 18, 2014 13:36

Apparently fic writing is going well for me. I'm plugging away at Tears and Rain. I've started Chapter 4. So I'm cruising along well with that. It's making some of my original works stir some which is good. But I will still continue to write on the fics till original works try to take over.

Still working on trying to pick out prompts for the prowlxjazz Anniversary challenge. I think I have a couple more that I settled upon. Here is the list Anniversary Challenge so far:

1. Crystal Gardens
2. Undercover
3. Remembering the Past
4. Secrets
5. Music

On another note Doctor Who starts back up on Saturday. Super excited for the new season. Today started the Doctor Who marathon on BBC America and I think on my two days off I shall indulge in the brilliance of Doctor Who. Maybe one of these days I will sit down and start doing reviews for the series.

I'm super curious as to how the new doctor is going to work out. All the trailers so far make the series look like it may carry a bit of that darker tone once again just as Doctor 9 reintroduced us to the series again.

writing, fanfiction, doctor who

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