Fics away!

Jul 26, 2014 23:21

Well I am happy to say that I have started my next prompt for the fanwork-a-thon at tf_rare_pairing. I'm hoping to be able to possibly accomplish at least a third fic before it ends. Need to create a few more icons I think though so I have ones that represent the content of said fics. That will be the fun part I think XD. Who knows maybe if I get enough writing fanworks under my belt I'll have enough inspiration to work on some of my original stories as well.

Hopefully this week I'll be able to get some images edited down and add my thoughts on other things fanish. That is about it for this update but I will leave everyone with this video that I found quite amusing. The narration just cracks me up in spots! Though I can completely agree with what she says at times as well.

image Click to view

writing, fanfiction, transformers

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