
Nov 02, 2015 23:25

Well I figured I might as well update this little journal of mine and yes this is relevant to my fanish blog that I update on occasion. I am working on NanoWriMo this lovely November and it's going to be kind of a kaleidoscope collage of words on the page. I am writing just to write with no real rhyme or reason. I will be working on headworld stuff for original stories and fanfiction as well as working on said original story and any fanfiction that wants to flow across my radar.

Any fanfiction that I finish chapters for will be posted to my Ao3 account. Original works I will covet and try to finish as time goes by.

So far in my two day stretch I have managed just over 4,000 words. Not hugely great but it's not too horrible either. Wish me luck on reaching my 50K words.

fanfiction, nanowrimo

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