Aug 17, 2006 06:58
Hi everyone
I just wanted to write a quick entry to say thank you to the group of you who came out for my birthday celebration in guelph on was low-key good times and just the way i wanted it to be. you're wonderful...and michelle...we really need to finish creep show the next time we hang out.
also i wanted to apologize to matt, who i completely forgot about and didn't let in on the after red papaya plan when it came up...please don't be insulted, as i did want you to come out, i just caught up in good times and distracted, as often happens with me...again very sorry matthew.
finally, I honestly don't know if she checks this livejournal that often (seeing as i have tended not to update very often) but Monday I believe was my friend Kiir's birthday and I've been meaning to say happy birthday for three days but have been very busy. so Happy Birthday Kiir.
other than that, hope all is well for all of you
- Geoff.