Collide: Chapter 5, Part Five

Jul 31, 2007 00:46

Title: Collide
Pairing: Remus/Sirius of Harry Potter fandom
Rating: NC-17 overall; this part is PG
Summary (for all parts): AU (Remus never went to Hogwarts). Everytime Remus gets close to someone, they start to uncover the truth about his strange disappearances and injuries. He can't stand the look on their face when he tells them the truth so instead he erases any trace of their relationship from their mind with a simple obliviate. Tired of getting intimate with someone only to become strangers again, Remus resolves never to get involved with anyone ever again. Of course, resolutions are made to be broken.
In this part: Motorbikes are ridden, wine is drank, and things are said that cannot be taken back
Previous parts: can be found at the link.

A/N: Many thanks go to lupinslittlesis for kindly allowing me to borrow her characterisation of Alphard, Sirius' uncle. If you're interested in Sirius' uncle as a werewolf, I'd definitely recommend checking out her series, Mentors.

It's been a while, guys. I know. A whole new canon ago (although thankfully, little if anything is affected in Collide). Just to refresh your memory, in the last part Remus was wondering why Sirius seemed to distant while they fooled around at James and Lily's wedding when later Sirius himself appears and Remus finds it in himself to spontaneously ask him out to dinner. Sirius (of course) accepts, leaving Remus a nervous wreck. Onwards!
By the time five o'clock rolled around, Remus was a verifiable nervous wreck...
(@ katcollides)
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