So this is Kropmork?
Rather classy here, isn't it? Really up-scaled in some parts of the island! Lot's of people too, probably more so than some of the major cities in Ivona!
I don't know much about this place but the people seem friendly enough!
However, I wonder what are some of the attractions and landmarks here in Kropmork? Maybe I
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It seems there is much that probably needs to be discussed...
Why are you so jaded about Kropmork, sir? You should try and relax here at least.
...Don't ask stupid questions.
You should go out and catch your breath, already! You have been on duty ever since first left Bellicus for the Badlands, sir.
I really think you should try and take some time off before this horrible political stunt begins.
Besides, angsting about being here will do nothing but make you more tense and paranoid.
...I'm not angsting.
You are angst-ing, sir. Admit it!
You can afford a vacation, you know? What makes you think that taking one day off or two days off or a month off will ruin you so?
You came so far in your career, sir, I have read and heard so much good things about you!
I really think you need to take more time just enjoying life rather than just letting it pass you by, sir.
You could probably use a drink or two.
...You just don't get it, do you?
And no, I couldn't use a drink.
You are not very convincing, sir. I am sorry to say that.
What's wrong then? What is really wrong, sir?
I got to admit, you making me bit uneasy here about this city.
Is the conference worrying you that much, sir?
That's all.
Sir, you need to explore and live your life to the fulliest!
Time for you to consider the next few days as the perfect time to cut loose for once and just enjoy yourself!
Besides, maybe we can have a group exhibition out into the city!
Won't be so boring for you here if we do something of that nature.
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