Borrowed without permission from
misanthropicbob Personal Stats
1. What's my real name?
2. What's my birthday? Also, how old am I?
3. What is my natural hair color?
4. Am I a boy or a girl?
5. What is my bra size?
6. What is my shoe size?
Personal Prefs
1. What is my favorite color?
2. What is my favorite food?
3. Girls - do I wear skirs more than pants or vice versa?
4. Am I musically inclined? If so, what music/music instrament do I sing/play?
5. Do I prefer hard or soft rock? Do I like rock at all?
6. Do I speak any foreign languages?
7. Do I have any special skills?
8. Am I left or right brain?
9. What is my favorite song?
10. What is my favorite actor/actress?
11. What is my favorite flower? Or do I even like flowers?
12. Am I gay or straight?
13. Am I currently seeing anyone?
14. What are my hobbies?
15. Have you ever met me?
Social Skills
1. How many friends do I have?
2. Are you one of them?
3. What do I like to do in my spare time?
4. Would you consider me introverted or extroverted?
5. If you're one of my friends, how did we meet?
6. Would i rather a) go to a club, or b) go to a bar?
7. How many times a week do I go out for fun?
8. Do I like my job?
9. Do I like the people I work with?
10. Would you consider me easy to get along with?
11. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being extremely bad, how melodramatic am I?
12. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being extremely bad, how well do I handle pressure?
13. Am I easy to get along with?
14. Do I generally seem to get along with others around me?
15. Do I have any mental problems?
Stephanie's home!!!!