Southwest called me last Friday morning checking on my references and recent school activity and such. Dad said that since they're taking the time to look at my paperwork, there's a good chance I'll get the job.
If that's the case, I will be moving out within a few months of starting the job. I'd start in January, so in order to start paying some stuff off (i.e., credit cards), I'd probably wait till April to move.
In the last few months, I've realized that, while I like being home alone, I don't like going to sleep alone...that is...'I don't like being the only one at home while sleeping'...not 'I don't like being alone in my bed.' As a result of this, and the fact that it's cheaper, I would like a roommate. SOOO if any of you (cough
cheopscough) need a roommate and don't mind waiting until April to move, let me know!!
I had a talk with my sister today while Christmas shopping for our mom about the First Move and she's gonna get all Monica Gellar on me and make some awesome lists of stuff I'll need to buy/do to prepare for that first move.
I trust her completely' she's like the Queen of Moving, having done it 5 times in the last 4 years! She's my moving guru; I go to her for wisdom.
Aside from that, I shall be quite busy over the next month and a half house sitting. I'm double and triple booked through New Years!
Business is good!