While vaccuming my room in preparation for Sara's visit, I knocked my digital camera off the table and onto the floor. It wasn't until this afternoon that I saw the actual damage. The LCD is completely cracked and I can no longer look at the pictures I've just taken. However, the camera itself still works. I can still take and upload pictures to my computer, I just have to kind of guess at their orientation and use the view-finder...which doesn't always work.
That being said, I HAVE A NEW DOG!!!!
Dad, Sara and I picked up Molly this morning and brought her home. Sara sat with her in the back seat and kept her calm on the drive home. Then Sara and I went to PetsMart to get a choke-chain, some food, some treats and a frisbee and Aunt Sara bought her an ID tag. It's a shiny blue bone that says "Molly" and our address and phone number.
I then gave Sara her first ever 'how to drive stick shift' lesson. She did very well, despite being a little nervous. Then it was off to the show! We bought the guys a locking cash box and were quite relieved to see that they liked it!
Memorable quotes from the show:
Me: I see a pair of pearl necklaces!
Sara: I see two!
I've just come home and as soon as I walked in the door, Molly was jumping all over me, giving me love. She is currently lying calmly on my bed, but she's a pure bred lab, so we'll see just how long this calm phase lasts. She already loves my bed, though, and I have a feeling that, like Heidi, it's going to be one of her favorite spots to come and relax. Fine by me!!!
I know she looks a little retarded here, but, trust me, she's not retarded!