
May 09, 2005 13:45

F i r s t s

First best friend: Mykel Overby
First car: '69 Firebird (hot)
First kiss on the lips: Jessica Graves
First real kiss: Courtney Brown
First break-up: Jessica Graves
First screen name: Guitarplayer1159
First self purchased album: I don't know for sure, but I'd bet money that it was a FIF CD
First pets: My turtle Donatello
First true love: Eh...
First enemy: Micha Solomon...that kid was such a jerk
First big trip: I used to go from Tucson, AZ to Akron, OH every few years when I lived in AZ, and those were pretty big trips because we drove.
First music you remember hearing in your house: Some crappy country music, I'm sure.

L a s t s

Last car ride: Coming home from work last night
Last kiss: opera?
Last good cry: um...I don't think I've ever had a good cry.
Last movie seen: Boondock Saints
Last Drink: Water
Last food consumed: A few spoonfuls of peanut
Last crush: My answer might surprise a lot of you...ALL of you, actually
Last time showered: Yesterday morning (and I'm about to do it again after I finish this)
Last shoes worn: my black tennis shoes that I always wear
Last item bought: Soup.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Who are three of your very best friends? Ew, I'm not going to answer this
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no

F a s h i o n | S t u f f

Where is your favorite place to shop? Probably Winn-Dixie. Not that I like shopping there, but I shop there a lot because it's close.
Any tattoos or piercings? nope

S p e c i f i c s

Do you do drugs? : dumb
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Suave?
What are you most scared of? Losing people I love
What are you listening to right now? a pre-Blue Album version of "Surfwax America"
Where do you want to get married?: it doesn't matter where, as long as I'm with the right person, I guess
How many buddies are online right now? 37/195
What would you change about yourself?: My quick temper and my random emo phases

F a v o r i t e s

Color: GREEN
Food: um...hard to choose
Boys' names: eh, who knows?
Gilrs Names: ^^^
Subjects in school: music theory, all of my choirs
Animals: Dogs, like Ferbis:)
Sports: PRO baseball, COLLEGE basketball, and football
Perfume: Well, the only person that I really know that wears perfume is Sarah, and that smells really good. And then that colgne that she sent me that I wear sometimes smells awesome!

H a v e | Y o u | E v e r

Taken a bath with someone? a bath? no. hehe
Smoked? gross
Made yourself throw up?: I think so
Skinny dipped?: lol
Been in love?: maybe?
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: HAHAHA I used to be the master at this, but unfortunately, it's not as effective for an 18 year old male.
Pictured a crush naked?: lol
Actually seen a crush naked? lol again
Cried when someone died?: I've never been close to someone that has, but I've known people that have known people that have, and I almost cry for them.
Lied?: of course :(
Fallen for your best friend?: lol <---I like this answer
Been rejected?: of course :(
Rejected someone?: I don't think anyone has ever asked me out. I'm always the asker
Used someone?: probably, but never intentionally
Done something you regret?: well, yeah, I guess, but I also believe that regretting is pointless because you can't change it anyway.

C u r r e n t

clothes: my blue boxers (yes, I'm still in bed at 2:05 PM. hehe)
Music: Pre-Blue Album Say It Ain't So, which I must say is better than the album version!
Annoyance: Work
Smell: Peanut butter
Desktop picture: lol
DVD in player: Weezer's DVD

L a s t | P e r s o n

Hugged: Sarah, when MI was leaving after State
You IMed: Liza Hendrix, though it turned out to be her mom. hehe

A r e | Y o u

Open Minded: I'd like to think so, though I know I'm not all the time
Arrogant: I don't think so, but I think I can be sometimes without meaning to be
Interesting: that would be an understatement, I think
Moody: bleh
Hardworking: when I care about what I'm doing, yeah
Organized: see above^
Healthy: Sometimes
Attractive?: decide
Bored: why else would I be filling this out?
Responsible: sometimes
Obsessed: sometimes
Sad: not at the moment
Disappointed: ^
Hyper: ok, just for the record, I'm not happy, sad, upset, etc. right now. I'm just content. All other emotion questions from this point on will be referred back to this question.
Trusting: after a while, yes
Talkative: when I'm comfortable, yes
Legal: over 18, under 21

W h o | D o | Y o u | W a n n a

Kill: ?
Slap: yo momma
Look Like: I'm actually pretty happy with looking like myself
Talk to Online: it doesn't really matter much to me

W h i c h | I s | B e t t e r

Coke or Pepsi:'s all the same to me
Flowers or Candy: candy, of course!
Tall or Short: I think a girl taller than me would scare me. But it could also be hot. Who knows?
Thick or Thin: um...somewhere in between? Just don't be a stick figure, and I'll be happy:)

R a n d o m

in the morning i am: still sleeping, usually until late afternoon:)
what do you notice on a person first: for a girl, if I'm just looking, eyes, smile, and uh...yeah. lol for guys, just looking, I usually just read their shirts or something because that's about the only time that I "check out" guys. When talking to a new person, I usually pay attention to the timbre of their voice, believe it or not. hehe
worst question to ask to a crying person: What the hell did you do this time, idiot?!
who makes you laugh the most: Sarah/Kelly/Nichole/Steph/Rose/Heather/Josh (basically all of my close friends, and that's why I <3 them!)
who has a crush on you?: I don't really know...

D o | Y o u | E v e r

sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you? lol, if I want to talk to someone, I usually just IM them. Why would I just wait around? What am I, some sort of a loser? el-oh-el
wait to see if i don't IM someone first if they will IM me? No, not really. I've done it before, but that's kind of lame.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: lol, not really
wish you were younger: sometimes I long for the simple times of middle school, but I'm happy with where I'm at.

N u m b e r

of times i have had my heart broken: like I count
of hearts i have broken: see above^
of girls i've kissed: 8? I think
of continents i have lived in: two! I love Asia! hehe
of tight friends: tight friends? lol
of cds i own: a lot

That's all folks...

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