Nov 28, 2004 21:37
Man, it was REALLY hard to leave home today. I got sad before I even got to I-95 (and in case you don't know, that's only like 5 or 10 minutes from my house)! I don't know why either. I think it was because I was there for longer than a weekend, and I got really comfortable at home again, but then I remembered I still had to leave. Bleh. Anyway, I had a good week, so I'm going to talk about it! Yay!
Tuesday: I got into town around 4:30 or 5, like usual, and I was going to go to Dip n' Dots with Sarah, but her mom wouldn't let her go, so I just ate dinner at home and then hung out with Josh. We met up with LeAnna and her sister at Wendy's, and then we went back to LeAnna's to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!
Wednesday: I was supposed to go to Dip n' Dots with Sarah, but that conflicted with my other plans, so we didn't. I went over to Alisa's with Stephanie and watched...Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! HAHA! That movie is even better the 5th time! YAY! That was fun because we went out to eat before we watched the movie, and we jumped on Alisa's tramploine (sp?), and it was good times.
Thursday: THANKSGIVING! This Thanksgiving was kind of weird because it was only my mom, dad, and myself. Usually, it's us three, my sister, my Uncle Joe and his family, and my Uncle Greg and his family, but no one made it down this year:( It was pretty lonely. I felt bad for my mom because as much as she complains about cooking, I think she likes cooking the Thanksgiving dinner for everyone, and she really missed my sister too. So did I! Anyway, after that, my parents had some friends over, and I didn't want to get bored, so I invited Sarah over. So she came over and we looked at old pictures of me, and I got embarassed, and yeah. Lame. haha After a while, we decided we wanted to go do something, so we decided to go to Dip n' Dots, but then we didn't think it would be open, so we didn't go (do you see a pattern here?!) We actually had planned on going on Friday anyway, so we just went to the beach instead, frost our asses off, and then went back to her house and watched some South Park. Fun fun! Since Sarah had to drive me home, I had to leave early, so she took my back to my house around 10, and I went over to Josh's for a while. Good times.
Friday: I woke up and went to play football with Josh because Kelly Earli's family always has a game every year, I guess, and they invited us to play. That was fun, but I pulled something on my leg. It hurt, but it gave me something to whine about! After that, we went back to Josh's and hung out for a while, and then I went home to eat dinner with my family. After dinner, I called Sarah, and we DIDN'T go to Dip n' Dots, but she invited me over to watch HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN! HAHAHA Don't worry, we ended up not watching it. We went to Taco Bell instead, after watching the Phantom of the Opera porn! HAHA! It was wonderful! "OOH! Sexy rat-man! Take me now!" CREEPY! So after Taco Bell, we listened to a CD, and I went home and slept.
Saturday: My parents went to Ft. Lauderdale, but I didn't feel well, so I didn't go. Steph came over and I burned the new Relient K CD for her, and she let me burn the new Jimmy Eat World CD. After that I uh...watched Muppet Treasure Island! OMG, it was awesome! I just laid around for the rest of the night after that. Good times!
Sunday: Shopped with my mom, and went home. Bleh. lol
So yeah, I had a really good time, even though I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to. At least I'll be back in two weeks, and I get to stay for almost a month! YAY! I still never got to go to Dip n' Dots! You owe me! lol
Geez, this took me like an hour to update because I kept on getting distracted, but now I'm done! Woo-hoo!