Feb 22, 2007 23:29
self, it's time to be honest. i am seriously unmotivated to take photographs.
it didn't used to be like this! i've been seriously enjoying photography for around 2.5 years. i would take tens to hundreds of photos, everyday, and i had ambitions that led me to a bigger SLR camera, to multiple toy/film cameras, to courses on the history and art of photography, to meagre-yet-incredibly-rewarding semiprofessional ventures, to a general enjoyment of the process of documenting my life and its surroundings.
now, i just feel like i don't have the time nor the energy to lug my Canon 10D around; i'm feeling somewhat limited by what my broke-ass-student-budget lenses; i already have a huge problem of 15,000 photos on my computer that need to be backed up. i know this is just a mindset, because there are tons and tons of people taking fantastic photos on every kind of camera out there, and i just need to find a spark, not drop $500+ on more equipment.
has anyone else experienced this? i guess i'm looking for advice/inspiration/salvation, though i'm interested to hear all perspectives on what drives you to take photos.