Sep 08, 2005 22:39
*stands up on chair*
I am not fired, I am not on impact, and Stephen background check has come back clean.
My shrinkage (loss) for this past inventory is .28% of my total product, down from .36% from my last scanning in April. The whole thing with Grand Theft Auto could have tipped the scales in the other direction, but I guess they found the other 18 copies (Free Carl Johnson!) and adjusted my inventory on BRIAN's (BRIAN is the Babbages Resource of Inventory and Allocations Network computer) and must be straight and level. Thank goodness.
My total dollar loss was lower than I thought it was going to be, so I am not on impact (a high shrink store, under the scrutiny of Loss Prevention 8 days a week), thank god.
And finally Stephen background check came back clean as a whistle. His first day will be on Tuesday morning opening with Adam.
With the great news, I am throwing a store meeting. It's gonna be a post 60 Days to Disaster/post Inventory/pre-Tom-is-going-to-conference-in-two-weeks/pre holiday meeting. This will be a great chance to tell everyone that Dan's time in the company is OVER and that Stephen will be ascending to the rank of 3rd Key and bringing forth a new age of awesomeness in the store.
Feeling so good about all this great news all at once I decided to go all out in the kitchen. Mother dropped off a huge slab of beef three weeks ago (on the same day I was making the Pibil) and was gonna suggest that I make some roast beef for myself. Well that's what I did today. Go McCormick! Easeist thing to make ever. It comes with the seasoning to make the gravy and the plastic bag to baste it all in. Turned out so good. I've come to the conclusion after having it, that I love slow roasted meats above all other preparations of meat. SO GOOD! I threw in some potatos, corn, green beans, and carrots and it's just fantastic.
The dogs are doing well too. Sophie is still being a bitch (heh heh) when it comes to doing her business outside. She takes longer than Bridge and we all know time is a luxery that I never have. Well she may finally be getting the picture today because she did it in a reasonable time frame. Happy with that I gave her a little cube of cheese and she devoured it and bolted for the guest bedroom. I followed her there and dropped down there with the both of them. Chilling with the dogs. Then Sophie takes her paw (while she's still lying on her back) and pats me on the head! She did this like three times!
Kat, you've got some amazing dogs here. You are sooooooo lucky to have them.
Time for shoutouts:
Adam: My Xbox should be back tomorrow. Full. Spectrum. Warrior. KABOOM YO! KABOOM DUDE! KABOOM!
Kat: You rock, and so do your dogs
Heather: You rock like no other, for you are the 1337 one, hope school gets a helluva lot less hectic!
Bex: Yes, I have document proof that Dan is incompentent. We alphabetized the entire store, he did a count on the PS2, and according to his count, 77 items were missing. Adam did it, and it was like 10...and they were all things that were the last copies that were sold. Sometimes I just need things spelled out for me. Still no clue who that "doctor" is, though. Keep calling them as you seem them. Thanks!
That's it for tonight folks.