Jun 13, 2009 00:03
I think the better question to ask, is if there is, who decides that?
This is the sort of question that you don’t have to answer so much as you have to just chum the waters enough that if caught the criminal (and yes, let’s call him a criminal because it adds just the right amount of drama and subterfuge) can make you believe he had no other choice but to continue on his course of action. Alright, pay attention class, you're about to get a lesson.
He can ask you if the law was fair, or moral? Perhaps he’ll use both.
Can a man in good conscience betray his moral compass, and integrity to abide by rules and laws he finds to be amoral or objectionable and if he does, would do you really want to live in a society made up of such cattle?
A society of good Germans would only profit murderers and torturers, wouldn’t it?
Or, let’s change it a bit. Can a man in good conscience do terrible and ugly things that would rent his soul in two if it meant preserving a society, or a school? And if he can, do you really want a society purchased by such fell deeds?
Is a kingdom built on corpses still a kingdom or does the blood run too deep and thick?
Why don’t you ask me what you’re really curious about; does might equal right?
Yes. No. Sometimes. Maybe.
And let’s not talk about espionage…
Severus Snape
Harry Potter
tm prompt