[Video] I'm giving you all one week to see Iron Man 2 before I canon update. I've seen it twice.

May 07, 2010 06:13

[Tony is, as per usual, dressed to the nines in a custom-tailored suit and tie. He leans back in his chair and folds his arms; a half glass of scotch on the rocks is visible on the desk in front of him.]

I guess a little consistency is a bit much to ask around here. Not that I don't adapt easily, but the nature of said changes make the whole shebang a hassle. All of the inmates transforming into children? Doesn't really fall within my scope of experience. Is sudden de-aging considered within anyone's realm of expertise, out of curiosity?

Paired with the fact that I'm terrible with little tykes and you've got yourself a winner for the Division of Child Services case of the year.

It's good to see an influx of new men and women after a string of disappearances over the last month totaling in at more than twenty. Knowing you can be spirited away in the middle of the night without a choice is always a plus, in my experience. Especially when you're not sure if you'll end up there alive, or if the locale is even remotely yours to chose.

I'm Tony Stark for those who haven't been paying attention.

[He snags the glass of scotch off the table with one hand and leans forward to switch off the camera with his other, a completely unamused expression lines his features.]

[Private to Bela]

Weekly meeting. I'll see you in the pub in twenty.

[OOC: I'm tired of hunting down notifications, so I'm going to hit the sack. Hopefully they'll be up when I wake up so the frustration doesn't drive me to drink. THEN AGAIN, method RPing ye old alcoholic Tony Stark sounds awesome right now!]
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