Jun 03, 2009 08:17
So apparently fifty cent (the rapper..haha) has this 19 bedrooms, 20 baths, 8 kitchens house up for sale for 14 millions dollars for two years now and no one wants to buy it. And then some real estate agents told him that the house really isn't worth more than 5 millions dollars, since he bought it for 4 millions, and it costs 700 thousands dollars to just run it along, like water, electric and maintenance and shit. It also has, like, a lake, a club and of course, the stripper pole.
Well, first of all, that is a fucking ridiculous amounts of rooms for a house. At this size, it's more like a small dorm in a private college than a house. Eight kitchens? really? what the fuck do people do with 8 kitchen. Every house should only need one since that's the place to cook and to eat and that's it... any number more than one is just a waste of space and unnecessary excess.
It's disgusting to know that talentless fools who can't act nor sing/rapp like him could make so much money while people who actually worked hard and didn't get shoot 9 times are struggling making it day by day.
Also, if you have enough money to spend 700 thousand a month in these time to keep something like this going though no one wants to buy it then might as well make some thing out of it, convert it into a homeless shelter, or an orphanage, or something good. There are plenty of folks with no roofs over their heads. If you're filthy rich and don't know what to do with it then the least you could do is to help them out. Quit wasting money that other people don't have on superficial, materialistic and wastefully shits like stripper poles and at least give back to the community, asshole. Rapping about how rich you are doesn't make anyone like you any better, and if they do, they probably are just another stupid asshole like you are.
Everywhere I go, I hear recession this and recession that. It is the newest excuse on the block that big corporations use to cut/cancel/put on hold plan/budget/program. One of my very good friend got into her graduate program of her dream, with a 12 thousands dollars scholarship, only to received an email some months later saying that "due to the recession, your program has been canceled."
Ain't that a bitch.
What the fuck do you do now? with you life? your future? Just when you thought shit was set, everything fumbles and falls apart like that.
My university also uses the same shitty excuse to raise budgets and cut fees and funding. It is currently building two new buildings that total up to 200 millions dollars in cost. And get it, students like me are eligible to live there once it's done. One of the building is for transfer students, 800 something of them, and it comes with a shopping center inside it as well. Really? a multimillion dollars projects to houses a bunch of kids who weren't even good enough to get in the first time? While students like me, who actually got in the first time has to live in a dorm the size of a closet with two other people... or some others like me who didn't even get to live in the college of their choice because there were not enough space. Sorry transfer students, I don't mean to hate on you.
FUCK YOU Regents and all other corporate America and all your bullshit money making scheme. I am so disgusted by you, I can not wait to get the graduate and get the fuck out of here and go somewhere else. In reality, it doesn't matter what condition the economy is in, big company will always have money and make money, and it's the little guys like you and me who lose them, and that it a big F U to them all in my opinion.