(no subject)

Dec 26, 2006 19:52

(Got to love a cupcake recipe book, haven't you?)

Firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my f-list for yesterday, hope you all had a fabulous day xD I did, despite answering my mobile early in the morning and being met with my friend Leah bellowing down the line, 'BOY! WHAT DAY IS THIS??' (this is a psychology class tradition; I am required to shout back, 'TODAY? WHY, TODAY IS CHRISTMAS DAY!!') However, it was very early on Christmas Day, so my answer was more along the lines of, 'WHAAA? WhatthefuckingLeahCHRISTMAS-mffblerg' (the 'mffblerg' was when I collapsed back into my pillow).

Anyway, things did improve after that, haha. AND I GOT A TABLET, FOR MY COMPUTER!! YAYYY!! ♥ C'est the best thing ever xD I have named her Belle, after Belle from Beauty and the Beast (I just wrote 'Belly' then for some reason, haha), due to me sitting shouting, 'YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL' at it when I first tried it out. So you can await tablet art in my next post! (Which will probably be for New Year)
Remus + Sirius that I did in pencil the other week. So proud of Remus; apparently profile is the answer:

One more thing before I'm off:

Everyone wants camper van knickers for Christmas =]

Ilu all!
Indy.x ♥

remus, tablet, christmas, sirius, knickers, art, cupcakes

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