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Oct 11, 2004 07:41

i had the best evening last night: i saw i heart huckabees, but before that alex, jess and I all went out to get some coffee and a pastry from veniero's. that was the best part, we sat in this really old coffee shop and just talked, it was nice not to have to shout over the continious thud of loud music, but some how we managed to incorporate alcohol in to this excursion with a nice warm cup of baileys and coffee. I heart huckabees is a good movie, too much going on in a two hour slot i think, i mean there are just soo many profound concepts in that movie that they only paid attention to for like 5 minutes, before they had to continue down the path to existential nirvana, and then throw in that times 5 cux i think in one stage there are five different people on this path, mass confusion, i need to see it again definitely. i like the soundtrack a lot to, but its not on itunes. this week was a little rough the honey moon is over as such, i assigned lunch detention to one of my favourite students, and he totally flipped out, shouted this is CRAP, threw all the contents of his desktop on the floor and stormed out of the class room to the deans office! anyhows, right now i am waiting for my shipment of my winter goodies from UPS, and then i am grading homework, and then SHOPPING, okay i really gotta get back to work.
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