
Jul 29, 2004 19:04

So I know I only just updated, but I forgot to add this in :X And I'm too lazy to edit.

So a frog crawled into the downstairs bathroom toilet from the pipes last night and my brother, who had gone in to use it (obviously) yelled, came out and was all "there's frog in there!!"

So he went slam and closed the door and I just laughed uncontrollably. Turns out he has this major frog phobia. He told me this REALLY funny story, of how in preschool he went to the toybox to get the toy frog and it wasn't really a toy frog and it jumped out at him :X


*coughs* Ahem. Anyways, and he has issues with them being slimy. He says they have beady little eyes.

I laughed a lot as you can imagine. XD
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