Why I Hate My Neighbours

Jul 04, 2004 19:03

My neighbours on the right are currently in possession of a parrot. If you've spoken to me in the past few days, you'd know this by now.
They don't talk - they shout. They play swing music at 1:30 in the morning. They have birthday parties starting at 7 am. Their kids have screaming competitions and their parrot can swear (see previous entry.)

These are my favourite neighbours. Hardly make ANY noise. Ironically, they have a newborn baby. A very quiet, beautiful 2 month (okay not newborn but still) old baby.

Behind Left
These guys are, as my brother puts it "too lazy to pray for themselves, so they have a recorded tape to do it for them." They're buddhist. And the chanting music, as my dad calls it, must be kept on for 24 hours, 7 days. Yeah. And it's pretty damn loud. Plus they have a pool light that can hold it's own against the SUN, which they like to turn on a lot. It just so happens to shine right into my room.

Behind Right
These neighbours like to throw parties. A lot. Basically they get drunk, put on crappy music then sing along at the top of their voices.
Also they have a spotlight shining into their backyward. WTF?! As if a burglar will break into their backyard, therefore having to go through OURS first.

Jeremy: They're so damn loud! We should do some kind of payback.
Dad: Wait till I get my subwolfer.
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