Feb 24, 2009 19:11
Idk i just wana keep this thing active for some reason, so years from now I can look into a small window into my life as a youth trying to navigate through the land minds in this god forsaken excuse for a journal. Livejournal- for me / for others and ultimately for neither. An internal look into an external projection of ones self. ahhh live journal, how I feign to miss the release of (public)secrete self expression.
so why be coy in this update? I no longer see the reason to seem cool and nonchalant to the no one that is listening in this public arena, in the hope that this imaginary mass will somehow think better of me without realizing that is just a ruse to subconsciously coax you into thinking that i am somehow a sweet and sensitive bad-ass. an oxy moron that can in itself only be excecuted in that very coy state of confiding in an exterior projection of a persona. and then maybe by the end of the day I would think I was a sweet sensitive, contemptlative, intelligent bad ass.
well I have already accomplished most tasks in the wining of my previous posts, my status clearly my contemplativeness, and the copious and nearly competent use of extravagant words has proven the cognitive capacity of my thinky bucket, so all that is left is how I could also be a bad ass. it would have to be in deed rather than in word. action is the only thing that can counterbalance wining.
So lets come right out with it.
why I am a bad-ass:
2 summers ago I worked with federally endangered Indiana bats at great swamp national wildlife refuge and this last summer i worked at 8.200 feet at Arapaho national wildlife refuge. both in the wild using your brains and your wits to get through the day. I scaled mountains, touched and studied rare animals most people haven't ever even imagined let alone seen, and oh yea I through the most rocken pirate party the world has ever seen.
hmm and yet by the end I have had a moment of genuine self reflection in the irony of my mocking. I do miss live journal.
and yet i have told you nothing