Feb 04, 2006 15:07

djinnibowler: dude who do you think would win a fight: FDR or Ronald Ragan?
djinnibowler: its the classic battle of polio vs. alzimers
Hoju3942: Back, sorry, I was making my lunch.
Hoju3942: I'd have to go with FDR. I mean. Come on.
Hoju3942: Get with the program, bud.
djinnibowler: but ragan wouldn't even know it if he's loosing
djinnibowler: he would just keep on fighting
djinnibowler: if he looses an arm, he forgets it was ever there 2 begin with
djinnibowler: that makes him dangerous
Hoju3942: Hahah, is terrible.
Hoju3942: I'm glad we had this incredibly stimulating conversation Ben, but I gotta go to work now, heheh.
djinnibowler: ok
djinnibowler: think about it
Hoju3942: I will. :P

djinnibowler: who do u think would win a fight: FDR or Ronald Ragan?
ZKman87: FDR
ZKman87: spiked wheelchair
djinnibowler: lol!!!
djinnibowler: its the classic battle of polio vs. alzimers
ZKman87: omg
djinnibowler: but ragan wouldn't even know it if he's loosing
ZKman87: true
djinnibowler: he would just keep on fighting
djinnibowler: if he looses an arm, he forgets it was ever there 2 begin with
ZKman87: teddy rosevelt so would beat them both cuz hes BULLY
djinnibowler: true true...
ZKman87: he rides moose
djinnibowler: oh man i never thought of it that way
djinnibowler: ok.
djinnibowler: next elimination round
djinnibowler: FDR vs. Gandi
ZKman87: gandi
djinnibowler: yea not through force though
ZKman87: no laws of physics
ZKman87: if u punch gandi, gandi will punch u back
djinnibowler: he would just slowly pick away at FDRs will to live
djinnibowler: and he would retreat to england and feel bad about his act of opression
djinnibowler: and years later apologize
ZKman87: no its the physics
djinnibowler: physics?
ZKman87: of gandi
djinnibowler: oh lol!!
djinnibowler: equall and oposite forces
ZKman87: werd
djinnibowler: then what about gandi vs. all sharptin
ZKman87: gandi again but its a close one
djinnibowler: 4 real?
ZKman87: barly but yes
djinnibowler: but al sharptin has the black version of jesus christ backing him up
ZKman87: but gandi has salt
djinnibowler: salt?
ZKman87: yes
ZKman87: it burns ur eyes and soul
djinnibowler: hahahahahahaha!!!!
djinnibowler: ooo wait a sec - what if elenor joined the fight
ZKman87: idn
djinnibowler: elenor rosevelt
djinnibowler: ok elenor vs. candeleezzaa rice
ZKman87: yea the bull dyke power
djinnibowler: lol holy crap!
djinnibowler: thats awsome!!
djinnibowler: rice is sexy though
djinnibowler: in that ice cold praying mantis sort of way
ZKman87: exacty dyke is her weakness
djinnibowler: hahahahahahahahahahhahahahah!!! holy crap
djinnibowler: ok so now we got elenor vs. john Lennon
ZKman87: lennon
djinnibowler: ok lennon vs. roberta frank
djinnibowler: i mean she would kill him
djinnibowler: killing him softly
djinnibowler: with his song
ZKman87: chuck norris
djinnibowler: chuck noris?
djinnibowler: vs who?
ZKman87: god
djinnibowler: norris
djinnibowler: but then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"'s Black Knight and
Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie and
Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie
Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader
Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger
Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan,
Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan
all came out of no where lightning fast
and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass
ZKman87: ROFL

Snar10956: i got one
Snar10956: ghengis khan vs winston churchill
Snar10956: martin luther kiing vs margret thatcher
Snar10956: mao tse dung or lech walesa
djinnibowler: churchill+ king+ mao
djinnibowler: klan has the weekness 4 twinkies (AS SEEN IN BILL AND TED'S EXCELENT ADVENTURE)
djinnibowler: king is well the king
Snar10956: constantine vs abe lincoln
djinnibowler: and moa has the comunist cats (MEOW tse dung)
Snar10956: lol
Snar10956: colon powell vs columbus
djinnibowler: o columbus inslaves powell
djinnibowler: and gets a vacation day 4 it
djinnibowler: oh wait but then powell escapes and joins NASCAR
djinnibowler: and runs over that crappy ass boat
djinnibowler: soo powwell

XxJadedxAngelsxX: you people are insane!!!
XxJadedxAngelsxX: Gandi vs. al sharpton??????
XxJadedxAngelsxX: god will smite you

XxJadedxAngelsxX: although, there may be some inaccuracy abuot regan
XxJadedxAngelsxX: see, if he has alzheimers, he would completely forget he was fighting
XxJadedxAngelsxX: and then go out and eat some jellybeans
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