Nov 28, 2007 20:36
so i thought i would try and put things in perspective for myself and everyone else for the next few weeks until winter break. I shall copy da nuts and make a list.
thursday 11/29- chinese with abe !!! i dont have to pay because he owes me so that makes me really happy. than a capella show with stacey
friday 11/30- absolutely nothing and i cant wait
saturday 12/1- Da neilsen is gonna come visit me because she has an interview, and im gonna give her a tour and hang with her for the day and than go for sushi with molly
sunday 12/2- working on my arts management paper and hanging with raynel and crissi.
monday 12/3- arts management paper due, dinner with stacey.
tuesday 12/4- babysitting, and first night of channukah!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!
wednesday 12/5- hump day! math power point due
thursday 12/6- english paper due, last paranov
friday 12/7- home for channukah with jess
saturday 12/8-home
sunday 12/9- back to school
monday12/10- review for arts management final
tuesday 12/11 NO MACRO
wednesday 12/12 study session for arts management, and final exam for history of popular music in the u.s.
thursday 12/13- review for macro, last english class with graham ever!!!!!! and english paper due maybe
friday 12/14- major cram session for macro
saturday 12/15- macro final 8am BLOWS
sunday 12/16- study for arts management
monday 12/17- arts management final and packing THATS MY LAST FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tuesday 12/18- babysitting and packing and GOING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHH this made me really really excited. i cant wait for the semester to be over