(no subject)

Dec 15, 2010 10:39

Gray wanted this lego tow truck more than anything for Christmas. It's THE thing he wants. He just wasn't letting it go. I couldn't find it and couldn't find it, the lego website was out of it, it was sold out everywhere. I finally found it on amazon and had to pay $25 for it but I ordered it yesterday. I figure if the kids only are getting 3 things from us they'd at least should get the three things they really want. So, I ordered it yesterday. Today I am at the grocery store and am looking for one more thing for Park since I ordered the thing for Gray, and what do I see on the shelf? The damn lego tow truck for $11.99. Seriously?! Agh. I actually said out loud "you're fucking kidding me." I go on shopping and think, I'll check my hotmail and see if the thing is going to ship soon, just in case. What's in my in box? An email letting me know my order has been cancelled because it was out of stock! It's a Christmas miracle!

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