You have to admit that you'd find it quite odd
If you woke up this morning as a gastropod.
You'd phone in a sicky. "I'm really not well-
I'm finding it hard to come out of my shell..."
Your lifestyle would change, as too would your diet
You never ate greens, now you just want to try it
You are cursing and hating this unforseen malady
'Cos your food source has gon from McDonalds to salady.
You're now a hermaphrodite. Breeding is tricky.
Involving hormones and's quite icky.
Love darts are involved if you want to get mate-ey
But Hey, you've succeeded. One hundred and EIGHTY!
And now come the sad part. Gastro-time really flies
And you're losing the sigh in all four of your eyes.
But your end will be is too sad for words
But a snail is simply a walnut for birds...