May 25, 2014 07:59
Please don't make it be about the Aspergers. There are a lot of people out there with Aspergers, and we are EXACTLY as likely to go on a gun rampage as all you Neurotypicals. Actually probably less so.
Firstly we don't have the social skills, for the most part, to make enquiries about obtaining a hand gun, and secondly we're more likely having got one to end up sitting down, taking it apart, realising how inefficient it is and then make a better one which ends up being able to make tea/coffee, act as a defib unit and remind you to floss. We'd probably have to do away with the projectile firing part because that could make you deaf if it went off while you were flossing, but that's okay...
Mostly Aspies are for all intents and purposes the people who you'd not invite to a party because they're socially inept but you have them on speed dial because they're shit-hot when your computer know who you are...
Yes, he was Aspie. That wasnt why he did it. Any more than the fact he was left handed (sinister, hey?) or had green eyes. Or was male. Or American. The one does not equate to the other, okay?
My heart goes out to all those involved. Including him.