It must be bunnies

Apr 04, 2014 07:04

Due to the time-travel nature of British Summertime it was Dark o'clock when we left the somewhat...careworn...Casa Hunter at 5:45 this morning. It was a warm but damp day, the grass bejewelled with the fallout of the Sudden Weather we had last night.

Seren was entranced by the binbags that became, as she put it with a bit of training, "Re'vent to my in'tests"...she seems entirely unconcerned now of the fact there may be concealed crow in th


e bags of...oh, you remembered. You do need to think of these things, puppydog...

Anyway, we happened upon Mr and Mrs Duck. Some may recall the incident of the Willow in the Night-time, whereupon she "happened" to a pair of late-night canoodlers, and her sudden nose quickly sank their canood...

Seren will not learn. She decided she should make friends with them. They decided she should not, but to rub a little salt into a wound not yet made, they set off, on foot, to avoid her. She gave chase, but slowly, clearly aware that there may be concealed crow in the be


aks and feathers...yes, scareycrows. Caw.

All was well until she ran out of lead and stood on two paws. The sight of her magnificence, her huge style, her...okay, falling sideways into the wet grass, mainly...caused the birds to erupt into flight. And oddly this had the same effect of Seren, who is now conf


used as to the noise that crows and ducks make...

Further confusion was caused when we happened upon some hares.

See, Seren had some raw food at Kim's the other day. Rabbit and sweet potato. Some may remember that Seren has called this

"Abbit an' sweepotay!"

...thank you, yes.

Unfortunately the Before and After scenario is unfamiliar to puppy brain. Sadly, then, the boingy bunnies are now

"SWEEPOTAY BOING!"... her head. And probably in mine...