I thought I'd show some *VERY LARGE* things, and some *VERY SMALL* things this time.
The firsrt is Jupiter and its moons, taken from my balcony at oh-it's-stupidly-cold-o'clock a couple of weeks ago. This counts as one of the big things. Because it is.
The next you should all recognise, so I won't tell you what it is. You have to guess. It is also listed as one of the things that is big. Because your average hatch-back would struggle to get it in and close the back door.
This one is quite big. It is The Sun. All these were taken from my balcony. Even though they're a long way away, some of them over a mile, I didn't have to step out of my flat to take them. Wasn't that liucky?
This next one isn't so big. Quite small in fact. And I had to leave the flat to get a photo of it. Worth the effort, do you think?
And this final one is a Greenbottle. Because, why not?