15 & ½ months - Now I'm cutting molars

Sep 17, 2007 23:23

Last month mom hadn't noticed I grew 2 entire New teeth & thinks it happened overnight.
'WoW everyone by eating corn on the cob (the only way to eat it, as far as we're concerned).

My smile's looking sparklier w/ the new gleamers peeking down - mom's gonna have a tough time
catching THAT smile, now that I can run.
anyways, now I'm cutting molars - But I was doing fine w/o them, gumming steak
& you name it, I ate it.

in other LAYLA news:
I'm better at blocks, can almost shape-sort on my own, & scribbling.. I can do 2 crayons at once. I can do 2 in one hand. I make a mess w/ a pen. (you) Count to nine & I say "TEN"! (& that's still just about the only thing I say). I like to walk w/ purses & hold my arm up in the air. I'm REALLY into stickers, like to stick 'em & re-stick 'em everywhere. Shrek stickers would really rock my world, I still like Shrek (I laugh at Donkey) & I Do like Star Wars. I strum guitars & tap pianos. I like Itsy Bitsy Spider, the part when the rain washes the spider out, & out comes the sun, & the itsy bitsy part.
My favorite foods to eat on my own are still steamed broccoli tops, bananas, watermelon, cinnamon oatmeal (vitamin) cookies, corn on the cob of course, steak, Kix & Cheerios, & probably some things I'm forgetting. I can eat w/ a spoon all by myself too, things like apple sauce & yogurt except I Do make a mess.
Mom is shaped like an elephant, she keeps telling me there's a baby in her belly - but I have no idea what she is talking about, every time I see a belly button I press it w/ my finger & blow a raspberry (I've been doing it since 8 months).
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