This weekend is gonna be the best yet!

May 24, 2011 16:51

 Okay…so I’m going to Comicpalooza (which is Houston’s big comic con) and I’ve been excited ever since I got my ticket for my birthday last month.

But I just looked at the website to see if there were any updates and I’m so glad I did. Not only did they add the screening for Browncoats Redemption, but Terrence Zdunch (Graverobber) is gonna be there for a Q&A.

Naturally, I’m excited that someone from Repo! The Genetic Opera is gonna be there. But I did further investigation and found out that it’s not just a Q&A he’s there for…he’s there cos COMICPALOOZA IS FUCKING PLAYING REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA ON SATURDAY!!!!


Seriously, there are no words to properly express how excited I am now. I’m literally shaking from excitement.

And I would post GIFs, but not even I have GIFs that would properly convey what I’m feeling.

I now have my whole weekend planned out:

Friday- Screen for Browncoats Redemption

Saturday- Firefly Q&A w/ Sean Maher, Being Human (SyFY's version) Q&A w/ Meaghan Rath (Sally) and Repo! The Genetic Opera (plus Q&A with Terrence Zdunch)

Sunday- Harry Potter Q&A w/ Devon Murray (Seamus)

I'm sure there's more, but those are the ones that I'm def gonna hit up. Especially Repo!


I fucking love my life right now.

firefly, repo! the genetic opera, browncoats redemption, comicpalooza, random

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